Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Wow, another child almost grown, I am always amazed that I have raised such wonderful, well rounded children, Dreau has achieved more in  his 19 years than some people achieve in a lifetime, he is doing what he always wanted to do, in a state clear across the country, he makes me very proud, but this post is not about Dreau, this is about Kevin, my 17 year old who is carving his own path, he is a clown, never serious about anything, except his faith, the child has a faith in God that puts me in awe, he stands up for what he believes in, always considers others before himself, never asks for anything spectacular, he knows that we are not wealthy, but he knows that he never goes without anything that he needs, and I think that his spiritual education is very much a necessity, he works hard for things he wants, he is leaving tomorrow for a trip with his youth group to Indianapolis, Indiana. He worked to raise the money for this trip, car washes and bake sales and selling candy. How good that must feel that he at 17 earned that trip thru his own hands, nobody handed him a check and said go have fun. He wanted this trip so badly that he did fundraising for an entire year to EARN the money for it. I pray that he soaks up everything he can while he is there. What a special gift that a 17 year old boy, no, young man, has such a deep faith that this is where he wants his life journey to go. I love you Kevin, and I will miss you!

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