Monday, October 10, 2011

Dr visit looming

Well, October 12 is here, 2 days, I am still as nervous as I was when I made the appointment, what will she find, how will our lives be forever changed? Where do we go from here?I have cried, prayed, talked to friends, but heart breaks for my child, what must he think of me? taking him to one dr after another for opinions, I hope he doesn't think that i want a different or perfect child, I don't want to "fix" him so much as I want him to have a happy life. When he was born, he was a beautiful child, he was more fussy than my other children and I remember thinking, thank god I had him later in life, cause I never would have had the patience at 19 for this child! Patience is definitely not a gift that is simply inherited, you learn it thru time... I almost feel like Dorothy following the yellow brick road. Today was Fall Break, I had phone calls to make, emails to go through, coupons to print, but he wanted to bowl with me on the wii, and he has a way of reminding you that you said  you would play with me! so I caved and bowled 2 games with him, then I learned later that i also lost a round of tennis against him... he played both characters! Today we built a good memory... what will tomorrow hold?

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