Sunday, September 4, 2011

ADHD is not something to be ashamed of...

Wow, what a day, we are in the middle of a tropical storm and the rain seems neverending. I realized today just how misunderstood mental illness is...and it breaks my heart, when I look at my child I see his smile, his silly sayings, but I was confronted today by something I never thought I would ever encounter, people within my own family thinking that ADHD was something to be ashamed by, that a child in their life could not possibly have this, and who was I to insult him that way? Insult? if the mere notion that this child has ADHD appalled them this much, what must they think of my child? I thought they loved him, wanted the best for him, after all, isn't that what families do? Care for one another and want the best for them? Now, I feel as though he is an embarrassment, someone they don't want to be around... well, it is their loss, I will not hide him away, or act as though he is "damaged". I will miss you, but this is your choice not mine....

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